Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dealing with life

So, how has 'Life' been treating ya'll?

Did 'It' give u happiness? sadness? cruelty? boring-ness? bytchy-ness?  and whatever-ness?

Before i 'spit' , i have a question for ya'll. Aint life a *****?

Haha, just ****in with ur mind.

So, imma write about what do i do everyday to deal and play with the games that 'life' gives.

Basically, i play resident evil 5 and Dragon Age ps3 games to release stress and tension. Other than that would be 'talking' about other people i think. I mean to those u deserves my 'award'. But most of all, my easiest way in dealing with life is by hanging out in PAVILION until morning. Its so fun because i get to do my work and relax my mind. There are other benefits too but i'd rather not talk about it :X. What else? ummmm oh yeah, dancing !!!!!!!! A fun way to release ur feelings and leave reality for awhile.

Since im livin alone, theres nothing else to do besides the above.Everybody gets lonely sometimes right?

Last but not least, theres this youtuber called Shane Dawson. One of the characters that he acts is called Shanaynay. I LOVE the videos when Shanaynay acts. Its so fkin hilarious and really really helps me. Its my chillax pill.Heres one of ma favourite videos of her. Before you watch, i must warn you about these features:

Most of his videos are open-minded. The usage of rough and 'hot' language are frequent. So to all those people who are too sensitive or close minded. ya'll should back off ^^

Imma just put a link here so you can watch it urself. I cant post it up here cuz it might not be appropriate to do so.



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